Other teams and organisations

Traveller Times https://www.travellerstimes.org.uk/

A great site with news, current events and information for and about the Traveller community.

Friends Family and Travellers https://www.gypsy-traveller.org/

A national charity that supports Travellers and those who work with them. Lots of resources information and contacts on this excellent site. 

ESCC Sites team

  • provide expertise to East Sussex County Council on issues relating to Travellers
  • manage four permanent sites and a transit site
  • provide support and information to residents and the community
  • work with other public agencies to resolve issues concerning the Gypsies' and Travellers' Communities


Team main telephone number: Telephone: 01273 481 340

Site management: Telephone: 01273 482 069

Liaison and support: Telephone: 01273 336 39