
Excluded from school

Click here for information for parents about exclusions 

Exclusions must only be used if all other routes have been explored first. Exclusions must be lawful, proportionate, and fair. Exclusion should be a last resort where there has been a serious breach (or multiple breaches) of a school’s behaviour policy. It is best for the school to find an alternative to exclusion.

A school can choose to exclude a pupil for

Risk assessment
  • Dangerous behaviour that puts them or others at risk
  • Behaviour outside school that is dangerous or poses a risk to staff or pupils at the school.

An exclusion should only be as long as it takes to make arrangements for a risk assessment to be completed and for anything that needs to be put in place to support the pupil to stop that behaviour from happening in the future.

  • It is against the law for a school to tell a parent that they cannot meet a pupil’s needs therefore they cannot come to school, even if it is just for part of the day; their child has a right to attend school full time.
  • Any exclusion, regardless of the length must be recoded.
  • The school must not send a pupil home early to ‘cool off’ or because ‘they aren’t coping’- this is against the law.
  • All exclusions must be recorded as an E on the school register.
  • The school must not set up a part time timetable without the parent’s permission. They have the right to refuse the part time timetable.
  • If parents do consent to a part time timetable it can only be in place for a maximum of 6 weeks, then it must be reviewed. There must be a written plan to start adding more time in school as soon as the pupil is ready.  

When the school excludes a pupil, for any period of time, they must send a letter explaining why the child has been excluded.

Parents may have difficulty reading an official letter so it is important to make it clear and simple. A phone conversation or face-to-face conversation along with the letter will make sure they fully understand the exclusion.

Work must be provided and marked during the period of time the pupil is out of school.  

For any exclusion that is longer than 6 days, the pupil must be given work until the 6th day then the school will need to arrange for them to be in full time education from the 6th day.

Fixed term exclusion

Parent and teacher agreeing on action to be taken

This will usually be between 1 and 5 days. Once this time has passed the pupil should then return to school. Usually the school will ask the parents to go to a meeting to talk about what happened and how they can support the child in the future.

If the parents do not attend a reintegration meeting the school is not allowed to refuse the child entry to the school.  The school should instead hold a reintegration meeting with the pupil and share that information with the parents (sending notes and making a phone call home).

Receiving a pupil from a another school after an exclusion

(link to welcoming a pupil from another school...Comeing soon)

Pupils will receive ESBAS support sessions to support them to settle into school after an exclusion.  It will be vital for the school to be supportive and welcoming to the pupil and parents in order to make the transition a success.

Remember parents may need support with any forms that need filling out or any online services they need to access.  ( link to supporting parents with low literacy document)

Information adapted from link below 

Permanent exclusion from school – East Sussex County Council

Attendance and behaviour - Exclusions - Exclusions - Czone (eastsussex.gov.uk)